Tuesday 10 September 2024

Hedge, fence and bench work at Styal on Sunday 8th September 2024

The weather was damp but not warm as seven of us gathered to meet ranger Ashley.  There was a mix of tasks, but all in the field next to the carpark.  We split into three teams, one trimming back the hedge on the exit to the overflow carpark, another removing an old fence and a third moving a bench so it has a better view.

After a mid-morning break under the education centre's lovely wooden shelter, we all went to move the bench, which was now out of the ground.  It was heavy so it took all of us to carry it to the new location.

After lunch the bench team joined the fence team and we managed to get all the fence out and the rubbish loaded on the truck.  The hedge team also managed to bag all the rubbish, which was taken to compost.


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Log spitting and fence repairs at Formby on Sunday 1st September 2024

We thought we were in for a hot sunny day, well that's what the forecast said earlier in the week, but it was not to be.

Six of us met with ranger Al who had a plan A and a plan B.  We plumped for plan A to start which was log splitting and stacking said split logs.  Unfortunately, the log splitter decided it wasn't playing and started to leak oil very badly.  Two of us stayed and tried using long handled axes to split some logs that wouldn't go through the splitter, to no avail.  I suppose if a log splitter can't do it what made us think we could!

So to plan B.  Four of the group went to dismantle some of the damaged benches and tables and tried to repair them.  The bolts holding the benches together had other ideas, and although they managed to remove most of them at least one wouldn't budge. So... end of plan B!

Plan C was to make new benches.  We managed to complete one, almost complete another and half completed a seat with back.

We had a wonderful day and the weather stayed dry right up to us going home then the heavens opened.

Thanks to my colleagues for their hard work and ingenuity, and thanks to Al and all at Formby for a great workday.
