Sunday, 25 January 2009

January Catchup

For various reasons I've got behind on this so this is nearly a month in one post....

Jan 04 2009 Dunham Massey - social walk
In all about 30 people turned out to have a gentle new year walk in the deer park at Dunham Massey. IT turned partly into a tour of past work - "we planted this", "we cleared out this pond" - "and that one the year before", "we built this", "and that and that and that over there......."

Jan 11 2009 Dunham MasseyPhotograph of hedge section laid
Twelve volunteers turned out on the second sunday of the month and continued with the hedge that we started last winter. Hopefully we will get it finished the next time we visit - before the birds start to nest.

As we have got 2 starting points ready for the next session hopefully we will be able to get quite a lot done.

Jan 13 2009 Some of the group entered a Pub Quiz in Didsbury - and I believe they came second

Jan 18 2009 Styal Fourteen volunteers turned out to the work in the garden at Quarry Bank House - associated with Quarry bank mill and only recently acquired. Before photo - one corner of the fruit gardenAt the top of the site (roughly level with the Apprentice house) is a area the used to contain fruits and was associated with the kitchen garden (beyond the leylandi hedge). After photo - one corner of the fruit gardenWe have already done some work here - cutting down a hedge - that will be patched up and kept as a garden hedge, removing cherry suckers and general clearing. The tasks for this session were removing Elders from the hedge line and clearing / investigating the final corner of the site.