Eight of us met Ashley, one of the new members of the Ranger team, at the wood store. She had brought the log-splitter with her on the tractor and, once we'd all assembled, she told us what jobs needed doing.
Four stages had previously been upturned and were being used as storage for logs. These logs were now 3 years old and suitable to be sold to the tenants of Oak Cottages for their wood-burning stoves so the logs were moved by wheelbarrow and added to a pile of 2 year old logs which were in another part of the wood store.
Moving the 3 year old logs and removing the stages, created a space where a newly acquired machine for making planks could be moved undercover to protect it from the rain. Ashley was thrilled that we managed to get all this done before elevenses! Fortunately Sue had brought carrot cake and chocolate cake to fortify everyone at break time so there was no slacking after a short break!
We were shown how to use the log splitter, an easy way of breaking up large sections of tree trunks into pieces suitable for use in the wood-burning stoves.
We were also given axes and a few of us chopped the tree trunks into pieces the hard way! Christine really worked hard on this and spent hours chopping the wood with an axe.

We were also asked to go into a nearby area where the school children have activities and remove any trip-hazards. Neil volunteered for this job and, after spending quite a bit of time 'working hard', he admitted that he'd found a hammock hanging between 2 trees and felt that he really ought to try it out from a Health and Safety point of view!!!
He also decided to 'paddle his own canoe' - who knows where he was trying to get to:-)
As we were making so much great progress on our tasks, Adrian volunteered to spend his time re-painting the MNTV tools with our signature yellow paint, so that they can be easily spotted if they get left in undergrowth. He managed to get all the tools painted. This was great news for the MNTV committee members, as we had already offered to give up a Saturday in a few weeks time to get the painting done - so many thanks Adrian for completing the job for us!
Just before lunchtime, Louise came to join us. She hadn't been able to start at 9.30 but thought she'd come along to help out for part of the day. Phil also came to visit - she wasn't able to stay and work but stopped off to say hello.
We got everything done that was asked of us and Ashley was really delighted with everything we'd achieved and .............................................we even remembered to take a group photo of the day!