54 people (members past and present, spouses/partners and children) gathered today at the Atcost Building in Styal to celebrate our 30th birthday. The committee had chosen this venue because we wanted to hold the party on NT land and at a local property where over the years we have done a lot of work... plus its use was free (thank you Styal Estate)!
People arrived from 2pm in time for 'prime time' (speeches, slideshow, cake) from 3-4pm. Ranger Colin did a fantastic job ferrying people in heavy rain from the main Quarry Bank Mill carpark round to the venue and at 3:15 the Chairman got the party started. He welcomed everyone to the party (some having travelled a fair distance - e.g. from Kirby Lonsdale and Harrogate), explained why we were at the Atcost Building, recapped on the recent history of the group for those who had lost touch, mused on reasons for the longevity of the group and read out messages of congratulations and good wishes from Tim Jarvis (our honorary member) and Peter Nixon (senior director at NT Head Office in Swindon and an important influence in the group's formative years). In closing he thanked the committee for organising the party, in particular Tricia for the fantastic handmade MNTV-themed bunting (it really jollied the place up) and Matt for the upcoming slideshow.
The Chairman welcomes everyone...
(photo: Sue Bonner) |
Alex Dawson (founder member and early Chairman) then spoke about the group's formation and early days (which seemed to him only yesterday!) and reminisced about life in the 80s, pre-internet, email and website/blog. Early newsletters were typed on a typewriter, and news of workdays was circulated by post and phone! The way we communicate among ourselves, with the Trust and advertise the group may have changed but the work we do for Trust is as valuable now as then.
The speeches were followed by Matt's superb slideshow that over 20 minutes covered the history of the group, the what/where/when of our activities over three decades, the couples who have met in rhodybushes or ponds (Andy said we have a lot more success than most dating agencies!) and moments to remember the people who have left us far too soon. 'The End' was met with thunderous applause. Many people said they'd love to see the slideshow again and we will see if we can upload it to You Tube or burn it on to CDs to distribute.
It's not a birthday party without cake and we had two for the occasion - one covered in photos from the 1980s/90s and the other with photos from the 2000s/2010s. Alex Dawson blew out the candles and we all sang Happy Birthday and toasted with prosecco 30 years of fun and friendship with many more to come.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...
(photo: Karin Frood) |
Everyone enjoyed then continuing to catch up with their contemporaries and paging through the numerous photoalbums that record the group's history. Groups tackled the quiz (Round 1: Name that property; Round 2: Name that tool; Round 3: 'National Trust') and several entries were submitted. The winner will soon be notified.
The party drew to a close from 5:30 and as they left one and all said what a fantastic afternoon they'd had and how much they'd enjoyed the reunion. The committee had organised a really good bash. What will we have to talk about at our monthly meetings now that the big event of the year is out of the way?!
Daniel Black
MNTV Chairman