Sunday, 30 April 2017

Removing old stock fencing at Bank House Farm on 30th April 2017

We expected to be doing woodland work in the northern woods today but because contractors were still working on some of the footpaths there the work task was changed to removing old stock fencing at Bank House Farm.

The day was cool but sunny and the bluebells and ransomes were in bloom.  The eight of us managed to remove a reasonable length of fence.  A fallen beech tree that had squashed the fence gave us a natural finishing point.


Saturday, 29 April 2017

31st AGM on Thursday 27th April 2017

We held our AGM tonight in the meeting room at Norcliffe Chapel, Styal.  14 members attended plus Jen Birch (Volunteer & Community Involvement Manager, Quarry Bank) and Styal Estate ranger Vicky.

The AGM matters were completed in 45 minutes:

- Apologies for absence (Ally Hardy, Anne Yates, Charlie Spiller, Denise Clark)
- Approval of the minutes of the 2016 AGM
- Chairman's Report (Daniel Black)
- Treasurer's Report (Daniel Black)
- Election of committee for 2017-18 (Adrian Potts, Ally Hardy, Daniel Black, Denise Clark, Matt Smethurst, Sue Bonner, Tim O'Donnell and Tricia Taylor)

Long Service Awards
Five members earned long service awards in 2016-17:

Hazel Pryor (30 years)
Adrian Potts (25 years)
Gordon Irons (15 years)
Denise Clark (10 years)
Neil Bonner (5 years)

Certificates/gifts will be presented to Hazel, Adrian and Gordon when received from NT HQ.

After the meeting the Chairman presented Neil with his 5-year pin:

50-hour cards
At the end of the evening Matt handed out 50-hour cards to some of the 18 members who had earned them in 2016-17.  Seven of us had worked more than 100 hours!

Adrian Potts (215 hours)
Andy Hill (131 hours)
Christine Hill (159 hours)
Matt Smethurst (114 hours)
Neil Bonner (143 hours)
Sue Bonner (122 hours)
Tim O'Donnell (152 hours)

After a break for tea, coffee and cake/biscuits we had two presentations:

Jen Birch spoke about the major developments in progress at Quarry Bank to turn it into a holistic cohesive whole.  The focus of QB will shift from just the mill and Apprentice House to in addition Hannah Greg's house, Styal village, the Upper Garden and woods.  Jen illustrated her talk with PowerPoint slides shown using a laptop/projector/screen combo.  That worked fantastically!
Vicky then spoke about all the work the rangers plus volunteer groups have done around the estate in the past year including work at Bank House Farm.

The evening ended with a showing of Matt's superb 'Manchester National Trust Volunteers, 1986-2016' slideshow that first aired at our 30th birthday party last June.  Bravo!

Twelve go to Spring in Snowdonia 2017: Sunshine, Ice Cream and a pair of odd boots (21-23 April)


From MNTV: Daniel, Ally, Neil, Tim, Martin, Hazel and introducing weekend virgins Madeleine and Geraldine

From MNTEV: Jacky, Mick, Ray and Chris
Ranger: Rhydian

(by Ally, photos by Ally and Daniel)

It is a tradition that we spend a spring weekend in Snowdonia and this year was no different.  Traditions however are not meant to be broken, but this year we did break a few - oops!


This year like two years ago we were joined by MNTEV, our Merseyside counterparts.  We all met on the Friday evening - some arrived at 5pm, some arrived at 10pm and some got lost but those shall not be named… let’s just say they didn’t belong to MNTV (!).  Once Daniel and Martin had arrived at 10pm we emptied their car of food and the stores box then swapped stories and headed for bed.

Saturday dawned sunny and warm and Daniel went for a run at 6.30.  Jacky discovered Mick had packed a pair of odd boots for her – one red and one black.  Luckily for him it was a left and a right!  At 9.30 we were met by Rhydian at the basecamp and we had a 10-minute drive to the worksite on the Ysbyty Estate.  It was quite a task finding the worksite and if we had not been following one another we would never have found it.  Our task for the next day and a half was chopping down gorse on a slope and burning it so that the oaks that had been planted some years ago could actually breathe.  Some of the oaks had already been so stifled that they had never made it out of their plastic sleeves so Daniel was tasked with collecting up the empty plastic sleeves and stakes.  Madeleine set to work on a large area of gorse.  Ray, who is visually impaired, was guided by Chris to an area on the hill and he set to work and just kept going all day putting the rest of us to shame!  Our elevenses snack was Ally’s Millionaires Shortcake which was eaten with great glee.  Break time gave Jacky and Ally time to tweet to the followers of their respective groups.  The fire was diligently tended by Tim, Neil, Hazel and Rhydian.

After lunch Hazel headed back to the basecamp to start preparing dinner and the rest of us carried on sawing, lopping and burning the gorse and whatever else got in the way that wasn’t oak.  By mid-afternoon it was so warm that a lot of the group were working in shirt sleeves which if you had a T-shirt on was not good news as the gorse and brambles were very spikey.  At about 3pm we stopped cutting and dragged as much of the loose gorse as possible down on to the fire and also made a pile of brash so we would be able to restart the fire the next morning.

It was a tradition on this weekend to go to the ice cream shop in Beddgelert after Saturday’s workday but as we were working nearer Betws-y-coed Ryhdian suggested we try Cadwaladers ice cream parlour there.  It was delicious and we each had single cones, trying between us seven or eight flavours such as banoffee, strawberries & cream, mint choc chip and butterscotch.  After the ice creams some strolled down the main street and others headed back to base and hot showers.  That evening we dined on lentil & vegetable cottage pie with peas and a dessert of apple crumble and custard/cream.

~ I N T E R V A L ~


Sunday dawned bright, sunny and colder than Saturday but that didn’t stop Daniel going for his morning run again at 6.30.  Rhydian met us at the basecamp at 9.30 and we headed along the road, collected our tools from Rhydian’s van and went back to the worksite.  The ashes from the fire were still warm and it did not take long to get it lit again.  We worked hard all morning, stopping just once to finish off the Millionaires Shortcake.  At 12 we downed tools and ate lunch at the worksite to keep an eye on the fire because it was burning merrily away.  After lunch we visited the NT property on the other side of the hill from where we had been working.

TÅ· Mawr Wybrnant which translates into Big House Wybrnant is actually a very small house and was the birthplace of Bishop William Morgan who was the first translator of the bible into Welsh.  We had a talk by the warden who looked after the property.  He told us that it is a traditional stone-built upland 16th-century farmhouse.  It has two rooms downstairs - one where the cattle would be and one where the occupants would eat, sleep and live.  It was extended into the roof many years ago and if you climb the very steep ladder you’ll find two rooms upstairs, one of which has a variety of bibles that are copies of the bishop’s translation, as they were first published in 1588 and in 1620.  In the building behind the house is an exhibition about the house and William Morgan.  After we had had a look around we headed back to base to pack up, clear up, divide the leftover food and head for home.


The Sun shone all weekend and the company wasn’t bad either
Spring in Snowdonia 2017 – Done!

Here's to next time MNTV!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Path work at Hardcastle Crags on Sunday 9th April

Seven of us met at the Quarry car park at Hardcastle Crags, 2 having car-shared from Styal but the rest having travelled individually.
We met up with Natalie, the Academy Ranger, who was also meeting her Sunday volunteers.
Once everyone had arrived, we loaded our tools and rucksacs into the National Trust vehicle so we didn't have to carry them and walked to the start of the Easy Walk path, where we unloaded our tools.
Natalie showed us where the path had suffered damage by the rain washing the stone off, finding new easier routes to travel and forming mini-rivers as it went which, now dry, made the path very uneven and not an 'Easy Walk' path at all!
Our task was to unblock any drainage pipes that were full of sticks, leaves, soil etc; widen existing surface drains to enable a better flow of water and to level the path surface, creating new cross-drains, to improve the flow of surface runoff when it rained without damaging the path further.
It was a lovely day, in fact 'the hottest of the year so far', so we split into small groups of 2 or 3 people and worked at different places along the path, being mindful of passing visitors who were walking past.
Natalie was very enthusiastic about her work at Hardcastle Crags and was telling us about the wildflowers coming into bloom - Bluebells, Wood Anemones and Wood Sorrel. Also about the Northern Hairy Wood Ants that are prolific in the area. We saw many but were advised not to get too close, otherwise we may get a little nip!
We cleared the drain at the side of the path
It was a great day, we got lots done and, hopefully, when it next rains, the water will flow along the channels of drainage we've cleared, and not damage the path any further:-)
Group photo at the end of the day
Thanks to Natalie for providing most of the photo's.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Tree work at Styal on Sunday 2nd April 2017

Eight of us turned up on this bright and sunny Spring day.
We were working in the old orchard at the side of the old police house where Terry Waite lived as a boy because his dad was the village bobby.
We had to remove a willow tree which blew down in the winter and an ash tree which was near to the houses and which we had to guide down by use of a rope to make sure that it fell the right way - fortunately, it did!!
We also removed lower branches from some trees to let more light down to the ground.
The lop and top was burned on quite an impressive bonfire.
All in all a very successful workday which resulted in a lot being done and a much clearer site.

Text and some photo's from Adrian, additional photo's from Karin.