Sunday, 25 June 2017

Brash burning at Styal on Sunday 25th June 2017: 'As Nice as Mice'

Seven of us were out on a slightly cloudy and occasionally drizzly morning to do the brash burning that the group had spurned last week in favour of balsam bashing. As we found out, a bit of moisture from above was actually quite welcome today!

Due to the presence of the disease Phytophthora ramorum, almost 100 mature larch trees have been recently felled in the woods, and the job of burning the brash is a big one! We set up two fires which didn't take long to catch amid the dry wood we gathered from the floor.

Karin lobs a big 'un onto the flames
At morning break we spied the first two of three mice that we'd encounter during the day: the first briefly, but the second enjoyed a small amount of cake that was dropped on its 'front doorstep' in front of a sheltered hole under a tree stump.

The fires reached a scorching temperature, and we were glad of the odd rain shower that both cooled us down and helped to contain the heat of the fires. It certainly wouldn't have been much fun doing this in the searing sunshine of last weekend.

The third mouse comes out for a feed
After lunch another mouse came out to watch our work (or maybe it was to feast on some of the undergrowth) and the fires got even hotter. We had to keep a constant watch for embers popping out onto the surrounding leaf litter and trying to set fire to it.

Two hot fires, and less brash than at the start of the day
At 2pm we stopped feeding the fires to give them over an hour to burn down before Craig the ranger returned. We'd cleared a large area, although there's still quite a bit left.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Balsam bashing in the woods at Styal on 18th June 2017

Six of us joined Colin Gorner, Styal's Head Ranger, today to work at Oxbow, in a sunspot, to (we thought) do some woodland clearance where the larch trees had been cut down recently.  Thankfully, on account of the searing heat Colin offered us an alternative of balsam clearing in a nice shaded area.  Guess which we chose?

Before break we were clearing an area on steep banking which had previously been worked on, so it was very patchy.  Over break we were joined by several dogs and one in particular didn't want to leave even coming back after it had been carried away.  After break we moved across the footpath to work by the river in a patch of balsam that was never-ending plus plenty of nettles and lots of stings for everyone. By the end of a very hot day we had cleared a large area but there is plenty more still to do.  

Thanks to Colin for moving the work site and for supplying us with additional water (much appreciated) and also to my fellow volunteers for not getting themselves killed or injured whilst I was stand-in leader. 


Monday, 12 June 2017

Bracken bashing at Lyme Park on 11th June 2017

Ten eager volunteers met the ranger in the car park at Lyme Park this week.  The task was to clear the bracken threatening to swamp the recent planting undertaken after the clearance of rhododendron.  As we have spent many workdays removing the dreaded rodi we were well acquainted with the site and it was great to see the new oak, beech, cherry and ash that have been planted and to further aid in the area's return to native British woodland.

A previous group of volunteers had been out with the slashers but had made a lacklustre attempt, barely clearing six inches around the saplings and missing out many entirely.  We however ploughed in with gusto, wielding the three-foot long slashers with great aplomb and clearing a minimum of five feet around each tree giving them plenty of breathing space.  After we had completed the clearance around the planting we made the steep hike to a path that was being swamped by bracken and had a go at that, clearing an impressive length and only calling it a day when the rain set in.

The leader on the day forgot to provide cake much to the dismay of all concerned and after due ribbing promises never to do it again (!)


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Thistle thrashing at South Head Farm on 4th June 2017

Three of us visited the High Peak today for a day's thistle thrashing with rangers Shane and Myles.  We were working near South Head Farm and on the way there fixed Marita's plaque to a tree guard protecting one of three oaks we planted in Coldwell Clough in April 2015 in her memory.

After we arrived at South Head Farm (the Chairman's first visit!) we loaded up a trailer with old fence posts.  Shane said these couldn't be burnt at the farm but had to be taken to Edale to be disposed of!

After elevenses in the farm's mess room (at which we all tucked into Daniel's Jaffa Drizzle Loaf) we began the day's main task - cutting down thistles in an adjacent field.  It was a very scenic worksite with Mount Famine, South Head and Brown Knoll framing the view.  Shane explained that the purpose of removing the thistles was for the safety of the sheep that will soon be grazing the meadow.  The plants' spikes can cut the sheep's mouth and lips and they can contract the orf virus through the lacerations.

One or two showers passed through before and after lunch but a prolonged heavy downpour at 3pm meant we stopped work shortly afterwards.

Daniel Black