Seven of us met up with Myles and Ian plus Elsa and Lottie (Myles's two dogs) at the Sett Valley car park before driving in convoy to Park Hall.
We started the morning clearing regrowth of rhody from below the road. Unfortunately, it was whilst working in this area that Matt, today's leader, got stung several times on his face/temple and was forced to leave us as he was suffering a lot of pain and discomfort. He did however, in true leadership form, leave us cake for brew time! We did hear that he made it home safe and sound and was okay.
So due, in part, to the wasps, after break we moved up the slope to above the Hall to where there were vast swathes of rhody that we could get stuck into. As we were still not allowed to burn it we had to just cut it down and leave it in piles.
The award for the hardest worker today goes to Elsa, who ensured that if you weren't busy cutting then you were gainfully employed throwing sticks for her.