11 from MNTV met Stuart, the Styal Ranger, in the volunteer's car park. We walked a short distance to a field near to the mill where we started removing an old fence. We decided to start at both ends so we could spread out, cutting back vegetation first so we could get to the fence, removing and collecting the staples holding the barbed wire and the fencing wire, rolling them up so they could be reused/disposed of safely, and finally removing the fence posts. Some had rotted so snapped off in the ground and some had been put in so securely that it took a number of us to get them out!!
We stopped for morning break and were just getting settled in the field when it started raining (!!) so we gathered up our stuff and decamped to the shelter by the old entrance to Quarry Bank Mill. We stayed lovely and dry there while we enjoyed Sue D's mince slices with our hot drinks.
After our morning break we went back to the field and finished the job, carrying the fence posts, rolls of barbed wire, rolls of fencing, litter and all our tools, up the incline to Stuart's vehicle so he could take everything back to the compound.
After our lunch break under the shelter (when we had slices of Sue D's apple cake) we walked into Chapel Wood where we finished the day scraping off leaves and excess soil from the paths and steps down to the bridge and up the other side. It was hard work but made very enjoyable by the lovely comments we got from the families passing by who thanked us for doing this job.
At the end of this task we walked down to the mill where we had our group photo taken in front of the impressive poppy display cascading down from the mill building. The poppies had been knitted and crocheted by many people with connections to Quarry Bank Mill including some of our own volunteers and their families and our Chairman's mum stitched them all together - a momentous task but hopefully well worth it, as they make such an impressive display.
Sue B