Having been looking forward to seeing some snow, my area of Scotland didn't get any, we got a lot of cold weather but no snow. With pictures from the group coming in with lots of snow, particularly impressive was the amount of snow at Matt and Lisa's close to Penrith, they had a whopping 12 inches, I was very excited to learn that Manchester had some. Watching outof the window on the way south, west of Edinburgh City Centre and south along the West Coast Mainline there was lots of snow to be seen.

Upon arriving at Macclesfield, my home for the next 3 nights I found 4 inches, however by the time Sunday morning arrived it was warming up slightly. The snow didn't stop 10 enthusiastic volunteers meeting at 9.30 in the carpark at Lyme Park. We were met by Ranger Jason who was on foot. Which worried us slightly as we knew the worksite was uphill. We needn't have feared, as he informed us that due to the weather conditions and flooding on the Estate there were reduced parking spaces. This meaning we were asked to move our cars to outside the Stable Block, where we would be directed by another Ranger as to where to park. - ResultCars parked, we headed through the snow to Lantern Wood, some by NT truck and the rest on foot.

Once at the foot of the wood we collected the tools from the back of the truck and headed up hill, past the Lantern and up to our worksite, where the group has previously been working. The snow was quite deep and covered the undulations of the ground and was also on the rhododendrons we were to be chopping down. Neil, Jack and Jason got the fire going and the rest of us chopped and dragged the rhodies so that when the fire was ready we could start burning it. Due to the wet chopped rhodies the fire took a long time to get going, Neil tried his flame thrower and Jack and Jason used their extendable fire straws to blow oxygen onto the fire. By coffee time it still wasn't at its best but we had work to do!
There was a large area of rhododendron still standing that needed chopping, we made great inroads into this, there were also big piles of precut that needed burning, which somebody suggested just setting light to them disappointingly nobody wanted to do that. Sue D who is a volunteer ranger at Lyme stopped by to see us whilst doing her rounds it was so lovely to see her and hear her news.

We concentrated on the rhododendron still standing and chopped away at it making more piles but this time the majority of the piles were dragged and burned on the fire. Having swapped between loading leaves and heavier bits on to the fire, by lunchtime the fire was almost at its best. After lunch we carried on with the task, Andy S showed a rhody who was boss by chopping down a big plant and the fire finally took off. Towards the end of our day we were asked to stop chopping and bring as much of the chopped rhode as we could to the fire area to be burnt. Once we had burnt all we could, Jason said we could go and he would stay until the flames had gone. Adrian said out loud, I haven't thrown a snowball this year and proceeded to throw one at the fire, everyone else joined in, firstly just in the direction of the fire then there was a little more precision as people aimed at the flames, to help them be put out. Once Jason was satisfied that the flames were out we barriered off the fire and headed back down the hill. Ally, Jenny and Emma headed to the cafe for a well earned hot chocolate and a good chat, the others all went home.
Although the day was snowy and cold, it was noticeable upon returning to the cars that the snow was starting to melt. Monday was again slightly warmer. By the time I got back to Edinburgh late on Monday night it was a balmy 10C!
Everyone enjoyed our first workday of 2025. I hope you all enjoy your workdays this year.