Thursday 12 May 2022

Work in the timber yard at Formby on Sunday 8th May 2022

Eight of us shared three cars for the hour’s drive to Formby on a pleasant Spring morning.  We met ranger Rob at the Countryside Offices and he briefed us on two jobs he needed help with - completely different from what we had expected!  So we split into two groups and got to work!

The rangers need a new wood store to replace the old one that had disintegrated due to old age.  Wood, sawdust and debris had to be cleared away.

Lots of shovelling and raking involved - a typical MNTV job!

By the end of the day saw a level, clear surface ready for the new shed.  Wood from storm-damaged trees will be stored to dry then be cut up and sold for use in wood burning stoves.  This is a useful source of income for a countryside location.

The second group got to work on the practise build of an art installation in the form of a "mandala", written in Viking runes.  Mandala is of a religious origin but in a modern interpretation it could be called an aid to "mindfulness".

Wood, again from storm-damaged trees, was sorted, with the help of Dog Ranger Chip.

Loppers and saws were used to cut branches down to a suitable size.

Then tied together to make a rune.  Here is the completed letter "O".

The final installation will spell out "All we need is love" and be used to add interest in fields behind the sand dunes.

It was a great day and useful work.  Rob now knows the art installation is doable as a community project.  Special congratulations to Jenny, Christine, Tim and Martin for their creativity.


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