Monday 13 June 2022

Brash bashing at Chirk Castle on Sunday 12th June 2022 - a joint workday with the Merseyside group

Today we joined our Merseyside colleagues for a trip to Chirk Castle with the task for the day still to be decided.

We met ranger Keith in the car park where he gave us a quick run down of jobs he had lined up.  The first was a request from his facilities department to have an area behind the shop and toilets cleared of over grown bushes and brambles etc.  This is to enable them to look at using this area for a new cafe as the current one, up in the castle, is no longer big enough whereby they have long queues most weekends in the summer.

Once we had cleared the area we split into two groups, the first helping Keith load the cut bushes into the pick up, the second group headed to the woodland walk.  Here we used thrashers to clear about a half metre of brambles and unwanted plants from either side of the path.  This is usually done at this time of year to keep the path clear otherwise it would soon become overgrown.

We had a really good day, lovely weather, lots of people saying hello as they passed and it was nice to meet up with the Merseyside group again.

Thanks to Keith for a good day and to my colleagues for their hard work.


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