Monday 5 September 2022

Birch thinning at Lyme Park on Sunday 4th September 2022

Ten of us met ranger Flo on a pleasant Sunday morning to work in West Park Lane. The job was thinning birch saplings then using them to make ‘dead hedging’.

Fortunately just new growth was needed as the branches had to be ‘whippy’ enough to be used in hedging. So the only tools we had to carry up the steep slope were loppers.

We formed a production line so a group did the cutting then others pushed/pulled/threw the debris down to the path. We produced two trailer loads before lunchtime, much more than the rangers expected!

Lunch was very relaxed as we knew the afternoon task, laying the hedge, wouldn’t be quite so strenuous.

After lunch ranger Izzie came with us to Crow Wood where the hedge is being laid near the existing playground.

Did I say the afternoon wouldn’t be so strenuous?

Branches were then piled up between two rows of posts, some woven round the posts to keep it in place.

The work we did is part of a project to make more structured play areas for children. We started the day cutting stuff down then used the stuff to build something new. Very satisfying but also a cheap, fast way for the NT to do the job.


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