Monday 3 October 2022

Rhodybash at Lyme Park on Sunday 2nd October 2022

Seven of us met Izzy in the main car park at Lyme for a day of rhody clearance in Lantern Wood.

Most of us walked up but Izzy had a couple of spaces on her little off-roader so two got a lift and took the tools with them.  It was a beautiful morning and in between panting on the way up, stopping a minute to look at the views was quite welcome.

We were also saying that there couldn't be much rhody left to clear as we were sure we had cleared most of it.  How wrong could we be, there is still loads of it!

We split into two groups.  The first was to light a fire to burn rhody that had been cut earlier in the week by a corporate group and the second was to start cutting and light another fire to burn what we cut.  Easier said than done!  Cutting not a problem, but two fires not wanting to burn was a big problem!  Anyway we just kept cutting and left it ready for when the conditions are more favourable for a fire.

We left Izzy keeping a check on the "fires" until she finished at 4pm and made our way back down to the car park passing through the herd of Highland cattle.

It was a lovely day with good company and a job we like doing.  Thank you to everyone for a good day's work and thanks to Izzy for making us welcome.


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