Sunday 27 November 2022

Meadow Management at Dunham Massey on Sunday 27th November 2022

We had a bumper turnout of ten volunteers for Dunham today, it was lovely to catch up with some people that I haven't seen for a few years as I don't normally lead at Dunham.  

The task was meadow management which basically means raking cut grass from a field that had been laid to meadow since before Covid. 

Field before grass is moved

Armed with rakes and tarpaulin we moved the grass to the far end of the field to create a natural habitat for wildlife.  

Mini haystacks ready for moving

We were glad when lunchtime arrived so that we could sit down and take a well earned rest and wave at passing cars and the odd cyclist!

Grass laying under trees

One final drag and we are nearly done

Field cleared of grass (not sure it looks any different!)

Group photo at the end of the day in the meadow

After the workday Nat took us on a tour around the gardens to see the Christmas displays and a few were lit up giving us a glimpse of what it would be like at night-time.

At the end of the day we managed to capture a lovely group photo with Dunham as the backdrop.

Christmas at Dunham - getting ready for the evening show

Denise, Worksite Leader

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