Sunday 16 April 2023

Rhodybash at Gawthorpe Hall on Sunday 16th April 2023

Six of us met in the car park at 9:45 before walking round to meet ranger Joe Karakousis in front of the hall.

Joe explained he would like to be leaving for 2pm as it is Greek Easter this weekend and as he has Greek ancestry wanted to spend it with his family in Yorkshire.  So, we all walked up the drive to an area of woodland which had quite a bit of rhod growing.  The need for wellington boots soon became obvious as it was very wet in places.  The area we were working had formerly had a tramline running through it which was for the transportation of coal as there were a quite a number of coal mines in the area.

As it was in theory a short day we worked through until noon and just had a lunch break with the obligatory cake of course, but saying that we did make quite an impact on the rhody.  There was a slight hiccup as we came across a couple of bird nests so covered them back up with cuttings and moved to work elsewhere.

Joe left us at 2 and we started to clear things up, gather our tools and walk back down to the cars.

We had a good work day and Joe was very accommodating and has invited us back any time.  Thanks to my colleagues for their hard work and good company. 


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