Monday 12 August 2024

Rhody bashing at Lyme Park on Sunday 11th August 2024

Seven MNTVers had a great day today rhodybashing at Lyme Park.

We met Lead Ranger Chris in the main car park and after a quick chat moved our cars to the Knot car park, as we were going to remove rhody regrowth and new rhody from that side of the park.

Most of us walked down West Drive and up the track to Paddock Cottage, where we met Chris who'd taken our rucksacks and the tools in the Kubota ATV, plus any of our volunteers who hadn't wanted to walk.  We removed the tools etc from the Kubota and walked along a very overgrown and uneven pathway, seemingly up hill and down dale, until we reached the area where we'd be working.  None of us had been into this part of Lyme before so it was quite an adventure!

We split into small groups to tackle the rhody.  It was too warm a day to have a fire so we were asked to pile the cut rhody on top of the rhody stumps in the hope that the light deprivation would prevent regrowth.  This would be kept an eye on to see if it worked, and the mounds of rhody would likely get sprayed as well.

Chris left us after lunch and Ranger Jason joined us for the rest of the afternoon.  Both Chris and Jason were very appreciative of the work we'd done.

We had a great day and hope it won't be long until we're back at Lyme.

Sue B

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