Sunday 8 November 2009

Lyme Park 8 November 09

Nine volunteers turned out to Lyme park for what turned out to be one dry day in a very wet week.

Photo of group and fire at lunch timeLantern wood is a site where we have been before on more than one occassion. It is a comparatively young part of the landscape 0f Lyme park and consists of mostly short lived tree species with an understory Rhodadendron. In time the trees will die out and there is no natural regeneration due the the grazing pressure of deer - so a number of areas within the wood have been cleard fenced and replanted. The plan being to have some sort of continuation in the 40-60 years time that it is needed! Photo of cleared area next to fenced enclosure
One large area in the corner of the wood was cleared of rhodadendron by our group over a series of days including 2 megabash weekends (a year appart) where we had arround 30 people out 2 days running. Half of it was later planted and the sapling in this area were being overrun by birch and rhodadendon seedlings - so one group weeded that. A second weeded the cleared area outside the fence that handn't been planted and a third cut and burned rhodadendron that was encroaching on one of the smaller fenced areas.

The fire was a pain to start due to the previous wet weather but once going we did manage some jacket potatoes. As usual by the time they were cooked everyone had eaten their sandwiches and were full!

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