Due to damp weather the original task planned for today was cancelled, - you can't collect cotton wool like "cotton grass" seed when it has been rained on. Instead of nice white fluffy stuff to collect you would just get a rotten mess.
So plan b - was to tidy up the brash (side branches) where pines had been felled in a small patch of trees above South Head Farm. The brash was used to build rings around the remaining trees to discourage sheep from stripping the bark off them in the winter.
You mustn't stack the stuff directly against the tree as that would make the bark rot, but you need a complete ring - high enough to keep the sheep out. We were working with a youth discovery holiday who were on their first day and looked quite keen. A second task was to load up cotton grass plants into cubic meter bags ready to be air lifted (hopefully on Monday) onto the Kinder plateau ready for the youth discovery holiday to plant later this week. This was quite simple with the two groups working together to form a human chain shifting the trays of plants to where the bags were packed.
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