Sunday 29 April 2012

Turf Transfers at Dunham Massey 29 April 2012

Four brave volunteers made it past the road closures and restrictions associated with the Manchester Marathon to spend time at Dunham Massey working in the park.

The task was "edging" one of the drives in the park and using the resulting turf to accelerate the recovery of an area of bare top soil - where a badly eroded path had been patched with top soil - freed up by the construction of a new path in the gardens.  (Recycled turf covering recycled soil)....

We did a certain amount but the conditions were atrocious (heavy driving rain) - the rangers were needed elsewhere - so once most of the marathon had gone through we cleared up and went home.....leaving the staff to deal with the aftermath of the marathon!

Hopefully the turf that we did transfer will "take" and do well - it was certainly well watered!

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