hadn't got organised enough after my holiday for this
one - so thanks to Tim the volunteer for most of the words and the
pictures. This work is on the same path that we visited on
16 September though I get the impression from Tim that on previous trips we may have
ended up carrying the tools far further than we needed to!
Just a brief note to let you know what we got up to on Sunday 21st. Four volunteers met up at the car park at 9.30 where we met Tim the ranger.
The main task was the installation of a path extending from the
raised path already there for about 25 to 30 meters up the track thus
bypassing a very muddy hollow. First we installed an edge consisting of
holly logs felled previously about 1.25meters from the sandstone cliff
face,then by scrapping the accumulated soil and sand from the cliff we
filled in the area from its base to the log border.
After compaction, aided by the numerous walkers and some enthusiastic stamping by their kids, the resulting path looked very impressive with the red sand contrasting with the black mud and the silvery holly log edging. We also dug a meter wide drainage ditch along the side of the
path to help drain the track farther up.
The second part of the task was great fun chopping down some fair sized trees and piling them up to form a barrier to stop people straying on to the adjacent farmland. The feed back from the public was great and they all seemed really appreciative of our hard work.
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