Sunday, 29 June 2014

Clearing bracken at Hayfield Sunday 29th June 2014

Five intrepid NT volunteers plus 3 NT Rangers and 4 dogs parked near the reservoir and walked to up to a bracken covered slope where we were to work. The bracken was tall, almost 4.5feet high in places, and had grown around some young trees that had been planted there previously.

Our task was to clear an area around each tree to give it some 'breathing space' and ensure that the bracken didn't get too close where it could fall onto the very young trees knocking them over.

Where the tree's were a little more mature and had out-grown their tree guards and stakes, we were to remove the tree guards, slicing them off the tree using a Stanley knife, and try to remove the stakes in one piece so they could be re-used.

It was hard work moving amongst the bracken as it was so high in places but the task was made even more difficult by the fact that we were surrounded by midges who were biting us every inch of the way!!!

There was no let up by the midges, even at elevenses and lunch time they were surrounding us and biting. Fortunately a couple of us had anti-mozzi wipes/spray but even this didn't distract them totally.

We worked hard and by lunchtime had visited every tree in the area and cleared the bracken. After lunch we were going to finish with a small rhody bash but there wasn't really enough to do so we called it a day and all headed back home to dive in the shower:-)

A satisfying job as we completed the task to the Rangers satisfaction but we could have done without the midges!!!!

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