We accomplished two jobs at Lyme today: in the morning we removed a fallen sweet chestnut in Crow Wood and in the afternoon cleared Corsican pine logs and brash from a plantation near the main carpark.
The Crow Wood job was necessitated by last week's winds toppling a 50-year old sweet chestnut. It demolished another tree on the way down and since then the rangers had chainsawed the trunks and branches into small pieces. By forming a fireman's chain we moved the debris up a small slope onto the tractor trailer that Jamie drove to the bonfire pile. Three trailer loads were needed to clear away the whole lot. During the log removal Tim disturbed and caught a toad!
Sweet chestnut cuttings in Crow Wood |
After lunch we moved to the 'second plantation on the left of the main drive' - passing MNTV's 30th birthday oak and plaque - and spent a couple of hours moving Corsican pine logs and brash out of the plantation.
Fallen logs made a comfortable perch for lunch |
The pines have recently been heavily thinned out and we were clearing out the cuttings. A few trunk stumps have been left in place for the stags to rub their antlers on. The maturer trees that the rangers want to become established further have all been protected by wooden tree guards to prevent damage by deer. During the afternoon Tim disturbed and caught another toad!
Corsican pines in the second plantation |
The weather was beautiful all day and everybody enjoyed themselves. We are next at Lyme on 2nd October.
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