Fourteen of us ventured to Styal to remove fencing with some members of the Chester and Merseyside groups. A small group had to be rescued by Neil after getting lost en route to the site (sorry guys, I can make cakes but am directionally challenged!) and then we all set to work removing masses of wire fencing.
Christine and Neil dismantle the old fence |
We raced through the area that Colin had planned for us to tackle, with a short break for cupcakes made by my wonderful nieces.
Neil clearly advertises the group while everyone else blurredly eats cake |
By dinner we had completed the whole area and Colin found us more fencing to fight for the afternoon. There was much wrestling of wire, fighting with undergrowth and baling twine - thanks Jenny for bringing her pen knife. Neil showed us a new game of playing trampoline on rolls of wire and Tricia looked like she had been fighting with bears!
Neil bounces vigorously on the rolls of old wire |
Thanks to everyone who worked incredibly hard in pretty humid weather. It was a hard day but we accomplished great things.
Hope to see you all soon
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