Wednesday 17 January 2018

Rhodybash at Lyme Park on Sunday 14th January 2018

Ten of us met up with Lyme ranger Dan and headed off to Lantern Wood for a day of rhodybashing, or so we thought.

Dan told us on arrival that our task was more a clear up process.  There was so much rhody already cut down that our job was to drag it down to the fire and cut it up before burning it.  This task was made easier for us as Len, Lyme volunteer, already had one fire going for us so whilst we started to load that one he lit another so we wouldn't have too far to keep dragging the felled rhody.  Dan was replaced by Jamie at midday and Len left at 1pm.  

We stopped loading 1/2 hour before leaving to enable the fires to die down sufficiently to be left, only to have a dead tree close to the fire start to smoulder so Jamie cut it down just to be safe.

A good day’s work was done and a large area now clear.

Thanks to Len - a big help.


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