It was a cold start to the day but 10 enthusiastic MNTVer's met Matt, Lead Ranger for the High Peak, in the Sett Valley trail car park, before moving on to Park Hall wood. We'd all remembered that the clock's had gone back so a great start that we all turned up on time:-)
We carried our bowsaws and loppers up the hill behind the hall to where the remaining rhody was waiting for us. We were working on a slope, which made the day challenging. After the risk assessment chat from Matt, but before we started work, Andy shared some homemade treacle toffee that Christine had made - it was delicious, and a great way to start the day.
The food continued when we stopped for morning break as both the Sue's had brought home-made cake to share - ginger cake and fruit loaf.
We cut back lot's of rhody, starting off in the same area but then splitting into two main groups, We were blessed with great views as we worked because of being so high up the hill and, for most of the day, the weather was dry, cold and crisp, with a bit of sunshine when we stopped for lunch.
Matt seemed pleased with our progress and was delighted with the amount of rhody that had been cleared by the time we finished. It'll be good to return there again to finish the job!
Photos: Adrian