Sunday, 21 October 2018

Fencing around the ponds at Styal on Sunday 21st October

This week the group were at Styal putting in new fencing around the ponds. We were split into two groups, one working in the car park with Craig and the other group making a start on the village pond with Alex.
Whilst the group in the car park were aiming to finish the last section of fencing for their pond, the group in the village were tasked with starting off a whole new fence.

Both groups had some difficulty digging into the ground due to the soil consistency, but everyone put a lot of effort in and by lunch time the fencing in the car park was almost finished.
It started raining at about 2pm (at least it waited for us to have lunch!) but the group carried on without a hitch.
By the end of the day we had finished the pond in the car park and 6 posts had been put in at the village pond car park.
There was a slight difference of opinion regarding the height of the posts but all in all I think the rangers were happy with our work.
It was a good day overall and it was nice to see the difference at the end of the day. Thanks to everyone who came along and thanks to Craig and Alex for helping us out all day.
Text from Hannah (worksite leader). Photo's from Jean, Karin and Adrian.

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