Lyme was still closed to the public for the workday today as 16 from our group contributed to the restoration work after the recent flood damage to the grounds and house.
The forest path before repair..... |
....and after:-)
The dam |
We worked in a couple of groups in the morning, one on the dam face which had slid under the weight of the overflowing water, and the other clearing paths.
The damaged path, before it was repaired.................
....and after the repair:-)
In the afternoon, both groups concentrated on the path from the car park which had been partially washed away.
This was quite strenuous, as we had to wheelbarrow gravel from the car park up the steep path, of course having to go further and further as we progressed. The day finished with a shored-up dam, a walkable path and a happy ranger.
Text from Mick, photo's from Hayley, Andy S. and Adrian.
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