Monday 19 September 2022

Cleft fencing at Styal on Sunday 18th September 2022

Today nine of us met Styal ranger Stuart for a rearranged workday.  We should have been at Marsden Moor so thanks to Styal for accommodating us at short notice.

We didn't have far to walk as we were replacing some cleft fencing on the path leading from the car park down to the mill plus we were continuing a section of fencing along the path further down to discourage children from climbing the banking up towards the pond.

The first job was to take down the old fencing which didn't take long - it was just digging down to get out the old posts that had broken off at ground level.  We then split into two groups and worked at both jobs - Anna even cut the hedges back using the hedge cutter.

We had all weathers in one day - it was cold, it rained then the sun came out and coats came off then it rained again.  Saying that, we had a good day and everyone worked really hard to complete as much of the job as we could until we ran out of time as well as material.

Thanks again to everyone.


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