Monday, 21 October 2024

Rhodybash at Lyme Park on Sunday 20th October 2024

Seven of us met Ranger Jason in the main car park at 9.30am.  Despite the remnants of Storm Ashley in the air, four of us walked up to the Stables to collect tools and the other three took a car up to join them.

Once we had each donned a yellow high-viz vest, collected a pair of work gloves, a bowsaw and a pair of loppers, some of us got into Jason's vehicle to get a lift to the bottom of Lantern Wood and the rest of us walked.  Once there, we carried our tools up the hill to the worksite, stopping for a break in the Lantern where Jason gave us a safety and tools talk, before walking up to the fire site.

There was a lot of rhody already cut and stacked waiting to be burned, so we started moving it nearer to where the fire would be and sawing it into smaller pieces.

With the rain and the wind, and the fact that a lot of the wood was already wet apart from some that had been covered by a large tarpaulin overnight, it took quite some time to get the fire going enough to burn a decent amount of wood.

Despite the rain being on and off all day, we managed to get quite a bit done. We had our coffee break inside the Lantern out of the rain, but by the time lunchtime came it was dry enough to sit near the fire.

By the time we finished loading the fire in the afternoon in time for it to die down before we left, the sun was out but, sadly, this was short lived and we got drenched on our walk back to the car park a short while later.

It was still a nice day and we were pleased that we got quite a bit done.

It was also great to meet Ranger Jason, as well as Stephanie and Bethany, our two newcomers,



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