Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Ivy clearance at Quarry Bank Mill on Sunday 15th December 2024

We had a good turnout for our last workday of the year as ten of us joined ranger Stuart for a bit of hedge maintenance.

We were working in Apprentice Lane, which runs from the apprentice house to the Methodist church in Styal village.  The hedges had not been cut back for many years and therefore had ivy growing right through them.  In fact in places the ivy was the only thing keeping the hawthorn hedge standing!

So we set to trying to untangle the ivy by cutting/pulling it out.  Time passed so quickly because you actually felt you were achieving something that it was time to pack up before we knew it!

We had a lot of people passing by as we were working, some asking what we were doing and some very kindly thanking us which makes it all worthwhile.

Thanks to Stuart for a great workday and thank you to my colleagues for their good company and hard work.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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