Monday, 3 February 2025

Ivy clearance at Quarry Bank Mill on Sunday 2nd February 2025

Today eight of us continued the work started by our group on Sunday 15th December on Apprentice Lane of clearing the ivy that was growing through the hawthorn hedge (and in places, likely holding it up!).  By clearing the ivy and giving the hedge some space to flourish it’s hoped that in a couple of years it will be in a better condition to be able to lay it and create a decent barrier between the lane and the fields.

Although it was harder work on one side of the lane than the other to remove the ivy without getting scratched, it was a nice day, dry weather, cold but occasionally sunny, and there was some good banter between everyone.

We were pleased to welcome a new volunteer who joined us today.

We managed to fill a lot of hippo bags with ivy and they were taken to the nearby compound, and it was satisfying by the end of the day to see how much ivy we had cleared.

Sue B

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