Sunday, 17 January 2016

Hedgelaying at Mount Farm, Alderley Edge Sunday 17th Jan 2016

Eight of us met up in the Alderley Edge National Trust car park on a snowy, freezing cold morning! We even had 3 newcomers on such a cold, cold morning!
We parked up and moved the tools into 2 of the cars, then drove to the yard at Mount Farm where we left the cars and walked along the lane to the stretch of hedge where MNTV had previously been working.

Last time we visited, it was so wet that we couldn't get the fire going. We hoped that things would be different on this visit.

It was still very wet and boggy underfoot in the field and we were really glad that we were all wearing wellies. It was so cold that it was difficult to begin doing the work. Neil was a star with getting the fire going, so we were able to burn the pile of branches that had been left from previous visits and also managed to burn everything that we cut during the day.
Although we stopped for our usual mid-morning drink and, a while later, had a lunch break, we were very quick to get back to the task in hand, before we got too cold. Sue brought along 2 different home-made cakes to give us energy:-)
By the end of the afternoon, we were pleased with what we'd done. It wasn't quite as cold as it had been in the morning but our boots were muddy from continually walking across the field. We think we'd managed to lay another 30 foot or so of this hedge, but there's still more to do - maybe another 2 or 3 visits yet before it is complete.

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