Saturday 4 May 2024

37th AGM on Thursday 2nd May 2024

We held our AGM tonight by zoom.

Nine members attended: Adrian, Ally, Andy S, Daniel, Denise, Gaynor, Jenny, Karin, Sue B.

Apologies were received from Anne Yates, Christine and Andy Hill, Jean, Neil and Tricia.

The meeting started at 7:30pm and ended at 8:50 and covered the following matters:

Apologies for absence
Approval of minutes of 2023 AGM
Matters arising from those minutes (none)
Chairman's report for the year ending 31st March 2024
Treasurer's report for the year ending 31st March 2024
Election of committee for 2024-25 (Adrian, Ally, Chris, Daniel, Denise and Jenny)

After the AGM, Chris Hunter (Formby Ranger) gave us a very interesting and informative talk about the projects that the Formby team are currently focused on.  The two big projects are centred on Victoria Road and Lifeboat Road.  The carpark on Victoria Road is now in a moving dune system, the result of years' of dune erosion in some places and accretion in others, and the plan is to move the carpark to another area.  The planning application for the new carpark was rejected but was appealed by the NT and is being reassessed.  The outcome should be known soon and if successful work is scheduled to begin in September.  The Lifeboat Road project would see the creation of a visitor centre.

Chris was heavily involved with volunteers last year.  Three new volunteer groups were established and and their efforts were focused on footpath and woodland work.  There is plenty for MNTV to help with, especially footpath work and the barrowing of stones to site and breaking stones on site.

Thanks for Chris for giving up his evening to talk to us.  We all enjoy working at Formby because the rangers make us very welcome, give us varied tasks to do and are very appreciative of our efforts ... plus it's a beautiful site.  The prospect of pizza from their newly built pizza oven (see workday on 28th April) is an added inducement!

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