Monday 13 May 2024

Edging a footpath at Styal on Sunday 12th May 2024

Today's workday was at Styal with Ranger Craig.  Ten of us met in the Volunteers section of the car park above the mill then drove in convoy behind Craig's pickup along Altrincham Road and parked at the end of the airport access road.  The worktask was edging a section of the footpath from the access road to the Valley Lodge hotel.

It was a warm muggy day and we found it hard work in the heat.  Thunderstorms were forecast from mid-afternoon but fortunately didn't arrive until the evening.  We needed an early break for elevenses (Daniel had baked a sultana cake) and lunch and took impromptu water breaks.  Throughout the day a steady procession of walkers, dogs and mountain bikers passed by.  Several commented on what a good job we were doing.

By 2:30pm we were wilting and called it a day.  Craig was pleased with our efforts and other corporate volunteer groups (who now pay £30 per person for a day's volunteering with the Styal team) will continue the footpath edging from where we stopped.

Our work was accompanied by the continuous sound of aircraft taking off and landing.  There was a lull in activity at lunchtime because for some reason the air traffic controllers swapped over the directions of take offs and landings.


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