Monday 10 June 2024

Woodland clearance at Formby on Sunday 9th June 2024

We met up with ranger Al at the Lifeboat Road carpark where he gave us directions for walking to the worksite.  This was basically back up Lifeboat Road then turn into woodland just before the houses.

Al explained that the area had been fenced off in 1991 and the children of the local primary school had helped to plant trees. It was intended to be somewhere schools could take classes to work with nature.  This year they have gone back to the same primary school and asked the children for ideas of what they would like in a nature trail.

As always, nature had started to take over the site.  This is were we came in.  We set to taking out self-seeded sycamores using tree poppers or, if too big for those, the trusty bow saw.  By lunchtime we had made a big impression though you couldn't tell for all the piles of discarded trees.

After lunch Al had us clearing ivy from the gate post and trees.  There was so much of it that you couldn't see some of the trees for ivy.  We had to leave one tree because a blackbird had actually nested in the ivy.  I am hoping that we didn't drive it away as she was sitting on eggs.

We were joined for lunch by a robin and a tree creeper.  I wasn't quick enough to take a photo as it moved up the tree very quickly.

Thanks to Al for a very enjoyable and productive work day, and we wish them luck building the children's trail.


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