Monday 17 June 2024

Clearing brash alongside a footpath at Alderley Edge on Sunday 16th June 2024

After our workday at Erddig was cancelled, Ally asked around and Issy very kindly found us jobs to do at Alderley Edge, so four of us met up with Issy at the car park at Alderley.  Neil read as far as Issy in the email and went to Lyme - oops!!  He managed to join us by the time we had collected tools, walked to the worksite and Issy had showed us the various jobs we could have a go at.  At that point she had to leave us to our own devices.

We set to slashing back nettles, thistles, brambles, etc then started clearing the path.   After brew Andy and Neil cut down an overhanging tree (well, three trees as it was a multi-trunked tree) and repaired a bench.

We had plenty of people using the path and all were very appreciative of our work, plus we had a herd of young cows visiting us throughout the day and actually thought they could join us for lunch!

On the way back to the cars we spent a while cutting back a hawthorn hedge that although not belonging to the NT was making the path virtually impassable.

Thanks to Issy for helping us out and special thanks to my colleagues for their hard work on a tough job and on a warmish day.


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