Monday 22 March 2010

"Hayfield" 21 March 2010

Ten of our volunteers turned out and met up with local National Trust staff in Hayfield. We took needed three vehicles to carry everyone (including four dogs!) nearer to "Park Moor" and spent the day cutting and burning Rhododendron as part of a long term project to reclaim this site for native species.

The weather yesterday more than made up for the snow that made us cancel two trips to this beautiful area earlier in the year. After a slightly misty start the sun came through and stayed with us almost until the end. Good timing as we had had a large fire and the moor was still comparatively dry even after the dampness of Saturday. It was tempting to just lie in the sun after lunch but we did get up and get on. Progress is being made, some of individuals can remember when the R. was thick scrub completely enclosing the path. Some areas are now free of this weed, some has been cut but not killed, and some has yet to be done.......

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