White brow (marked on the map linked into the title) is an old worksite - we planted trees here 8 years ago - some have survived but many haven't. The first photograph is the shows the lower half of the slope where we did the old planting so some of those trees should be "ours".
"Natural Regen" - native tree seedlings growing on their own where nature has put them will - given half a chance do better than anything we can plant. They have the right genetics and their roots haven't been disturbed in the process of being transplanted. In some cases they are even species that you cannot buy to plant.....
As people keep on leaving a gate open on the bridle path, sheep are getting into the white brow area and will given half a chance eat the seedling - halting the natural regeration of the woodlands, and this is where the volunteers come it - finding the seedlings and putting rabbit guards on them - which should protect them from the sheep and give them that half a chance they need.
The example in the photo is a comparatively large seedling - the "downy birch" seedlings were far far smaller and probably would not have been visible in the photo! 250 plants of various species recieved protection, and about 150 more were marked ready for the staff to go back with more rabbit guards - assuming the sheep don't get them first.
Once we had run out of materials four of us walked around the lake on a permitted path, and stopped for an ice cream on the way back to the car.
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