12 volunteers turned out and spent the day clearing Iris from the inlet to Island Pool in the deer park at Dunham Massey.

We filled the skip, and at the end of the day the top of the stack on the skip was about 5 feet above the edge of the skip! We also left some in a hollow at in the ground just upstream of the pool itself.

Its a muddy job but quite fun, no one fell in (though I came close). No one went in deeper then their waders - though some people got very close. The weather started warm and sunny, but became cooler and wetter towards the end of the day. With showers while we were clearing up. We finished the day by hozeing down the equipment (and some of the volunteers!) Spare clothing was distributed to those who were cold or who had managed to miss a large hole in the waders at the start of the day! So I think everyone went home warm and dry even if the trousers didn't quite reach their ankles!
I think everyone was supprised how big an area we cleared.

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