The original plan was to clear up various paths in the estate near Styal Village however the day dawned very frosty and it was obvious that this task would be more or less impossible until the ground had softened.
Plan B - was to cut back trees and shrubs encroaching on the old Altrincham Road (now private road / public footpath / bridleway) near the "three ponds area" - a patch of woodland that contains old "marl pits" that fill up with water depending on the weather - creating a variable number of ponds.
As we had plenty of hands we completed this job in the morning, so we stopped for lunch in the picnic area near the main carpark.

After lunch we attempted to clear up one section of road (granite setts) and 2 sections of paths (gravel) in the village. In the event only the mud on the road was soft enough to clear.
We then had a brief tour of the upper areas of the garden, before going home comparatively early.

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