Sunday 28 April 2013

Biddulph Grange Gardens - fence reinforcement 28 April 2013

Three volunteers turned out to Biddulph and were made to feel very welcome by the "garden team".  We worked with three of them clearing a space between the boundary and a fence - and then reinforcing the base of the fence with wire netting.  An attempt at controlling the entry of some wildlife into the main sections of the the garden
Once the initial pruning work had been done - we dug the trench while the garden team installed the mesh and back filled.

We all stopped for coffee and the cake we had taken with us in the morning, had lunch with some of the local volunteer stewards in the "Cheshire Cottage" and finished at about 3pm - at which point we had some rather nice tea in the "garden room" (also used and the ticket office) - with more cake - supplied by Bidduph this time.

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