I must confess I was nervous at leading a workparty to clear some of the rotting leaves from the pond in the gardens, particularly when it was mentioned that the pond could be 12 feet deep in places, but I needn't have worried - 3 of our volunteers were very happy to don chest waders and go into the pond to drag out the rotting leaves using cromes (similar to rakes but the tines are longer and are bent at a 90 degree angle which makes them ideal for dragging debris from ponds).
Those of us on the bank then used rakes to grade the debris back along the edge of the pond so it looked neat and tidy.

We didn't see much wildlife while we were there, only a frog who was keen to get out of our way but we made sure that the frogspawn that was in the pond was safely moved along before we started.
There were a few visitors to the gardens and other volunteers who stopped to have a chat with us and, although it was a bit windy at times, it was a really enjoyable day!
I've since had a lovely text from Emma, the head
gardener at Hare Hill, to thank us all for the
splendid job that we'd done and the difference
it made - well done to all!!

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