Sunday 1 October 2017

Rhodybashing at Lyme Park on 1st October 2017

Ten of us spent today rhodybashing in Lantern Wood at Lyme Park, continuing from where last week's mid-week group had left off.  The site was on the north edge of the wood and gave excellent views over the Cage to Manchester city centre.

We worked with range Dan in the morning and with ranger Trevor in the afternoon.  Dan, Neil and Andy got the fire going.  This proved a little difficult because the wood was wet but firelighters, newspaper and stacking the cuttings in parallel to the wind direction did the trick.

Chocolate & walnut brownies were served at elevenses and afterwards the Chairman presented Adrian Potts with a badge to recognise 25 years' service with MNTV.  Adrian joined the group way back in 1991 and year in year out has been one of the members who works the most hours.  At last week's committee meeting Daniel given Adrian a certificate and letter of thanks signed by Dame Helen Ghosh (Director General of the National Trust).

25 years' service and counting... congratulations Adrian!

We stopped feeding the fire at 2:30, packed up and left at 3 but not before asking Trevor to take a photo of the group beside the embers of the fire.  Unusually, today we didn't see any members of the public, presumably because the Lantern is closed for repairs and word has got out.


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