Sunday 13 January 2019

Construction & destruction at Bosley Cloud on Sunday 6th January 2019

Ten MNTV members plus Josh who is doing his Duke of Edinburgh award came out for our first workday of 2019 to blow away the cobwebs and work off the mince pies.  They still managed to eat lots of cake!

As there were so many of us we split into two groups.  The first group stayed with Tim (Ranger) and his truck and erected a sturdy gate and fencing.

The other group grabbed some tools and walked up the hill to the open heathland for a spot of destruction.  We pulled up saplings so visitors and wildlife can continue to enjoy the open aspects of this part of the hill.  Pulling up the birch saplings was hard work (even the smallest saplings held on by long roots) but we persevered.  We carried the saplings to the forest on the other side of the track to rot down and provide a wildlife habitat.

Bosley Cloud was true to its name.  At the top of the hill we were mostly in cloud but the ground was nice and dry.


(Photos: Jenny and Karin)

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